5 things to know when talking to prospects!

There have been reports of people registering for months and finding it difficult to get people to register with them, well quickly i am going to be sharing some key points you should know that will help you get people to register with you in no time!

1. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY:- If you feel some how that it is the job of your sponsor/upline to get people to register with you, then you have started failing! This is business and if you know anything about business then you will understand the need to "mind your business"! Say your upline has 20 people waiting on him/her to feel their six accounts and you are the 21st person waiting for the same thing, your growth in the system will take months, because your upline will have to go through the order of "first come, first serve" before getting to you!

There is a need for you to take the responsibility for your growth, hit the streets, talk to your family members, your friends, neighbors and church members, thank you Upline for introducing you to the business and that is it, DO NOT DEPEND ON YOUR UPLINE else your growth will discourage you!

2. KNOW YOUR BUSINESS:- "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" you can not give what you don't have! The importance of you knowing the business you are selling cannot be over emphasized. Though the company does not give you any product to market, but also understand that you will be selling an idea, an idea you yourself must totally understand so you can sell it better!

So don't hesitate to ask your upline to clear up issues you don't understand, go to seminars, ask questions, clear your doubts and make sure you know the business before introducing it to others!

3. YOU MUST HAVE INTEGRITY:- In the business world, before partnerships are made, records are looked at, profiles are checked, how much grounds your words hold is checked out, reputations play vital roles in sealing up partnerships! You must also understand that in this business, how much people will rush in to join you  is highly depending on your reputation! You must possess integrity, make sure your nay is nay and yea is yea!

When people know you to be a honest person, you will find it easy to convince them to join you in your new business, if par-adventure there have been misunderstandings in the past, it is never too late to start putting things in place. You will now highly depend on the "seeing is believing" notion, get your first order, show it to them, invite them to food distribution centers and seminars, let them see with their eyes, that way they learn to believe in the system and begin to trust you!

4. START THE CAMPAIGN WITH YOUR FAMILY:- Get your family involved, practice everything you learn from seminars on your family members, talk to them and make sure you win them over, if your family members can join you, it wouldn't be that hard to convince others to follow suit.  

Make sure they understand the advantages, tell them "if not for anything, do it to support me" lol!

5. READ UP:- A wise man once said, "Readers are Leaders" There is a need for you to know how to network, so get books on networking, attend seminars about networking if need be, get together with people who know the business, learn from them and most importantly, study the system that you are selling!
Know all you can about the business Matrix so you can sell it properly to your prospects!

With these few points you will gain confidence, and confidence has a way of rubbing off on others! When people see passion and confidence in you, they will most definitely want to give it a try and a try is all that is needed to get their lives changed for ever, so good luck, stay happy!

For more info call/whatsapp >>> +234 807 246 4481 or drop your question below using the comment box!


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