5 things to know when talking to prospects!
There have been reports of people registering for months and finding it difficult to get people to register with them, well quickly i am going to be sharing some key points you should know that will help you get people to register with you in no time! 1. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY:- If you feel some how that it is the job of your sponsor/upline to get people to register with you, then you have started failing! This is business and if you know anything about business then you will understand the need to "mind your business"! Say your upline has 20 people waiting on him/her to feel their six accounts and you are the 21st person waiting for the same thing, your growth in the system will take months, because your upline will have to go through the order of "first come, first serve" before getting to you! There is a need for you to take the responsibility for your growth, hit the streets, talk to your family members, your friends, neighbors and church members, thank...