
Happy New Year!!!

From everyone at the Benin Office here, we are wishing you a happy prosperous new year! To all our members, we wish you double results for all your efforts this year, if you are not a member yet, it's not too late, make up your mind to join this family now and begin your journey to a stress free year on food items in your kitchen, oh yes, Happy World Meal Gate is the answer! Again, let's join hands together this year as we drive away hunger from every home that will cross our path! Together, the mission is possible! Remember, Happy and Well Fed People are Productive People! HAPPY WORLD MEAL GATE!!! SAY NO TO HUNGER!!! 

HWMG 1st Year Anniversary and car award!

  It was awesome on Saturday, 28th of October at the Happy World Meal Gate *CAR AWARD* and one year  anniversary celebration. A total of 31 awardees were honored. 10 awardees went for the brand new Hyundai Car while the rest opted for the 4.4 million naira cash. It has truly been an operation No to hunger! No to poverty! HWMG rocks! Next car award is already loading..... You could be one of the next set of awardees come April, 2018. Minimum of 6400 naira and 6 referrals is your ticket to wealth and plenty food items!  To Join call now: 08072464481. For those who do not have the time to look for people, you can join our fast track investment team starting from 45,000 naira., take advantage now!

Happy World Meal Gate at It Again at Benin!

There was so much excitement yesterday, 22 September 2017 at the Benin Food distribution center when the truck of food items finally arrived! Many hands rocked up to the skies thanking God for safe arrival and that it was finally time to reap the reward of their labor! Food items Truck arrival For many that just came on board, their mouth was wide opened as they still could not believe that is was real! For many who experienced the distribution for the first time, it was tedious but exciting and fulfilling for them! They never thought the idea of getting virtually free food items was possible, now witnessing it, was an experience they wouldn't forget in a hurry! Members waiting to get their food items The food distribution lasted for about four hours and even running into the late hours of the night, but everyone was calm and set to get their reward! As the Company continues to deliver on their promises, members have also continued to pledge their support and promi...

Brighten Up Your Christmas this year!

As amazing and elating Christmas and New Year celebration is, the sad news is, with the state of the economy today in the country (Nigeria), many won't be able to afford to celebrate it with a proper meal and style, like it used to be in the good old days! I remember when I was still a kid, I used to look up to Christmas time, from December 1st I would start fantasizing about it, couldn't wait to show off my new cloth(s) and shoe(s), couldn't wait to eat *Christmas rice* like we like to call it in my part of the world, it used to be a very fun time; there was more than one could eat and drink, you were allowed to do almost anything and go almost anywhere! But sadly, that time is but a fairy tale now! Everything has changed! Companies have closed down, jobs lost, the prices of food items have continued to go up, school fees for pre-kg kids this days is almost is the same of someone in higher institution, everything is changed, truly it has! For parents, it is cert...

The only way out!

In a country where getting a good job that will meet your needs without greasing anybody's palms is a myth, one is left with no option than to source for his/herself other legal lucrative angles to meet needs! Largely have depended on Skills and Talents, many are gradually making head way in these areas, but many are still left handicapped as it is one thing to be skillful or talented another is getting capital or a proper platform to properly make use of these talents and skills! Those with talents and skills but without funds are left in the same position which is  as good as being jobless! The good side of this story is the popular belief that " as long as there is life, there is hope" Well, for those who haven't heard or are still in doubt, Happy World Meal Gate may just be the long waited opportunity for one to actually make something out of his/her life! I tell people aside the rewards in food items, this is one of the fastest networking companies a...

5 things to know when talking to prospects!

There have been reports of people registering for months and finding it difficult to get people to register with them, well quickly i am going to be sharing some key points you should know that will help you get people to register with you in no time! 1. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY:- If you feel some how that it is the job of your sponsor/upline to get people to register with you, then you have started failing! This is business and if you know anything about business then you will understand the need to "mind your business"! Say your upline has 20 people waiting on him/her to feel their six accounts and you are the 21st person waiting for the same thing, your growth in the system will take months, because your upline will have to go through the order of "first come, first serve" before getting to you! There is a need for you to take the responsibility for your growth, hit the streets, talk to your family members, your friends, neighbors and church members, thank...


Cost of food items is on the rise on daily basis in the country! Some jokingly say, when you go out to buy things you need and they tell you the price don’t say you will buy it tomorrow, pay there and now for you may come back the next day to meet another price and you can be sure it won’t be lesser than the one you were given the previous day! September is almost here and many parents are already running around looking for ways to sort out school fees, also as we move closer to the end of the year, what to cook and wear to celebrate the end of the year and the beginning of another one is another headache for parents. With all these issues that one can’t run away from it wouldn’t be bad having another positive, effective and plausible option! “ Happy World Meal Gate ” brings you the perfect opportunity to look up to having a “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year” without having a heart attack! With the simple mechanism of feed yourself and help feed others that the platfo...